Friday, November 22, 2019

Dreaming of Japan

Hello, my name is Taylor "Faith" Coffman and soon I will be leaving Tennessee to study abroad in Japan for a year with AFS Intercultural Programs.  I am so excited to immerse myself into their society, learn about the fascinating culture and study the language. I am also really excited to meet my Japanese host family and make new friends that I will have even after I leave. 

Ever since I was a little girl, I've always been fascinated with the idea of traveling the world and seeing what all it has to offer. Japan specifically, I have always loved the culture, history, and scenery; I always would tune in more during class if they mentioned Japan. When I started researching students going to study abroad in Japan, I instantly fell in love with the idea and it has been my dream for 5 years now.

When I come home from this exchange, I hope to have gained a new sense of confidence, a new view on the world, a second language, and a whole array of amazing memories. I also hope that I can inspire others to travel the world and possibly go on an exchange themselves. This is a way I can help teach others about the possibilities and experiences you can encounter while going abroad. Then in the future when I have my own home, I plan to host students from other countries.

The cost of the program is something I am working to cover everyday. I have a part-time job and almost all of the money I make goes straight into my savings account for my trip. I have had a fundraiser dinner once before for my trip and plan to have more fundraisers in the future. I also sell paintings, ornaments, and wooden signs as a way to raise money.

I have joined AFS Sponser an AFSer program, which is an online fundraising tool provided by AFS to allow potential sponsors to make a easy, secure, and non tax-deductible contributions to my AFS program fee. No amount is too small--I know that times are tough, but every little bit will help me get a little bit closer.

Thank you so much for reading this, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could forward this message to anyone else who you think might be interested in sponsoring my AFS experience. Keep checking back here and/or on my Facebook to read more about me and keep up with my adventures and experiences in Japan.

To sponsor my AFS program, please click the Donate Now button to make a non tax-deductible contribution directly to my AFS program account.

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